Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Alright so...

Daunting task this week: Do some "Bible Dipping" and use whatever idea is chosen to do something cool.

Okay then.

So we got "Symbol For Sound". Which essentially means taking sounds and instead of representing them with groups of symbols, just make it one. So...I played with the idea, considered a number of ideas. I have settled on the concept of the Primal Alphabet. It is by no means completed or refined but its enough of a concept that I will probably play with it more.

So what is the Primal Alphabet? In my mind, I see it as a written script with a character to describe every sound in the known universe. As such, it can be used in any known language. So how does it work? Well, after much consideration, I decided upon to have each character possess the look of a celestial body. In this case, galaxies.

The pictures I have above are representative of the basic shapes used in the Primal Alphabet. The most common galaxy shapes, the spiral galaxies, representing the most commonly known sounds that exist in the universe. As a sound becomes more rare, its character reflects a celestial shape of similar rarity. So a sound that is rare/unique such as a humpback whale's call would be reflected by a rare formation of nebula for example.

For storytelling purposes, I foresee the Primal Alphabet being a tool in my world building. It is a language as old as the known universe itself and as such contains a great deal of power. A person that invests their blood or the worldly equivalent in the writing of the Primal Alphabet has the ability to do great and terrible things based upon whatever motives they have. Therefore it is a useful tool for the purposes of recording but a great liability as well if used improperly. As time goes on I'll likely refine this concept but for now I'm pleased to have a starting point.

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